Frimindeks 2012

Latest update: 2013-02-16

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All prices in €.

C = price less than 0,25 €


Find the stamp.
1851 - 74.
1875 - 1904.
1905 - 12.
1912 - 18.
1918 - 21.
1921 - 25.
1925 - 26.
1926 - 30.
1933 - 34.
1935 - 38.
1939 - 46.
1946 - 53.
1953 - 60.
1961 - 66.
1967 - 70.
Bicoulered .
Chr. X 1913-30.
Wavy line.
National arms.

Informations of

artists and other details can be found on Post & Tele museum

http://frimaerk alog/1

All rights belong to © 2006-2013

#12  2 sk. 1871

Frametype 2
Normal frame
Vm 2. perf. 12,5

Frame bluish grey
oval ultramine




o    1500,-*

1871. Only a small part of print 1. It is a rare stamp and unused copies are cheaper than correct cancelled.

Frametype 2
Normal frame
Vm 2. perf. 14*13,5

Frame in grey colours
oval in blue colours




o    7,-

1871-73. Print 1 - 6


Frametype 2
Inv. frame
Vm 2. perf. 14*13,5

Frame in grey colours
oval in blue colours




o    400,-

1872-73. Print 3 - 6

Frametype 3
Normal frame
Vm 2. perf. 14*13,5

Frame in grey colours
oval in blue colours




o    8,-



1873-74. Print 7 - 9


Frametype 3
Inv. frame
Vm 2. perf. 14*13,5

Frame in grey colours
oval in blue colours




o    350,-

1873-74. Print 7 - 9

2 skilling has big variations in the colours, especially the blue colour of the oval varies. From an ultramine to a clear blue to a greenish blue and to a colour often mentioned as preussian blue, which is found in print 2 and 4. The colour of the oval can vary a great deal in the same print. The colour of the frame vary a lot - and it is normally not difficult to tell the print from the colours of he stamp.



 *The bicoulered with sk. (skilling) are usually found with at least a little imperfect perforation and colourfresh nice cancelled and perfect perforated stamps are often considerably more expensive than the prices given here. The three issues with perforation 12,5 (2sk., 4sk. og 48 sk.) are all difficult to find in perfect colorfresh copies.

Normal frame, inverted frame and the different types of frames can be identified with the help of the page bicoloured 1870-1905.